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Rsyslog to use 'protocol23format' for protocol UDP
Closed, ResolvedPublicFEATURE REQUEST


Our syslog server (Graylog, using the default UDP Syslog Input) requires specific timestamp format. I've needed to edit the /etc/rsyslog.d/vyos-rsyslog.conf to include this feature. I'm not sure if this manual change will persist through reboots or upgrades. I'd like this to be exposed in the CLI or config as an optional setting. I'm not sure what is the best way to implement this.

Typical syslog config:

set system syslog host x.x.x.x facility all level 'all'
set system syslog host x.x.x.x facility all protocol 'udp'
set system syslog host x.x.x.x port '514'

Manual Change:
Adding RSYSLOG_SyslogProtocol23Format to the last line. (Reference Link)

admin@vyos:~$ cat /etc/rsyslog.d/vyos-rsyslog.conf
## generated by ##
## file based logging
$outchannel global,/var/log/messages,262144,/usr/sbin/logrotate /etc/logrotate.d/vyos-rsyslog
*.notice;local7.debug :omfile:$global
## remote logging
*.* @x.x.x.x:514;RSYSLOG_SyslogProtocol23Format

Then restarting the service:

sudo systemctl stop syslog.service

sudo systemctl restart syslog.service

Currently Running:

Version:          VyOS 1.3.0-rc6
Release Train:    equuleus

Built by:         Sentrium S.L.
Built on:         Sun 22 Aug 2021 15:37 UTC
Build UUID:       965518de-857d-4e61-ab09-381aadf24eb1
Build Commit ID:  75b37b28b2e9ab

Architecture:     x86_64
Boot via:         installed image
System type:      bare metal


Difficulty level
Unknown (require assessment)
VyOS 1.3.0-rc6
Why the issue appeared?
Will be filled on close
Is it a breaking change?
Unspecified (possibly destroys the router)
Issue type
Improvement (missing useful functionality)

Related Objects

Mentioned In

Event Timeline

It is working only for TCP right now

set system syslog host facility all protocol 'tcp'
set system syslog host format octet-counted
set system syslog host port '1514'


vyos@r4-epa2# cat /etc/rsyslog.d/vyos-rsyslog.conf 
## generated by ##
## file based logging
$outchannel global,/var/log/messages,262144,/usr/sbin/logrotate /etc/logrotate.d/vyos-rsyslog
*.info;local7.debug :omfile:$global
## console logging
## remote logging
*.err @@(o);RSYSLOG_SyslogProtocol23Format

It will be not hard to add and UDP option if it required
An example for TCP,

As mentioned I'm running: VyOS 1.3.0-rc6

I found the jinja template file in: /usr/share/vyos/templates/syslog/rsyslog.conf.tmpl

The original looks like this:

## generated by ##
## file based logging
{% if files['global']['marker'] %}
$ModLoad immark
{% if files['global']['marker-interval'] %}
$MarkMessagePeriod  {{files['global']['marker-interval']}}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% if files['global']['preserver_fqdn'] %}
$PreserveFQDN on
{% endif %}
{% for file in files %}
$outchannel {{file}},{{files[file]['log-file']}},{{files[file]['max-size']}},{{files[file]['action-on-max-size']}}
{{files[file]['selectors']}} :omfile:${{file}}
{% endfor %}
{% if console %}
## console logging
{% for con in console %}
{{console[con]['selectors']}} /dev/console
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% if hosts %}
## remote logging
{% for host in hosts %}
{%   if hosts[host]['proto'] == 'tcp' %}
{%     if hosts[host]['port'] %}
{%       if hosts[host]['oct_count'] %}
{{hosts[host]['selectors']}} @@(o){{host}}:{{hosts[host]['port']}};RSYSLOG_SyslogProtocol23Format
{%       else %}
{{hosts[host]['selectors']}} @@{{host}}:{{hosts[host]['port']}}
{%       endif %}
{%     else %}
{{hosts[host]['selectors']}} @@{{host}}
{%     endif %}
{%   else %}
{%     if hosts[host]['port'] %}
{{hosts[host]['selectors']}} @{{host}}:{{hosts[host]['port']}}
{%     else %}
{{hosts[host]['selectors']}} @{{host}}
{%     endif %}
{%   endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% if user %}
{% for u in user %}
{{user[u]['selectors']}} :omusrmsg:{{u}}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}

I've updated my template to include a few new lines which should append ;RSYSLOG_SyslogProtocol23Format to my UDP host entry:

## generated by ##
## file based logging
{% if files['global']['marker'] %}
$ModLoad immark
{% if files['global']['marker-interval'] %}
$MarkMessagePeriod  {{files['global']['marker-interval']}}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% if files['global']['preserver_fqdn'] %}
$PreserveFQDN on
{% endif %}
{% for file in files %}
$outchannel {{file}},{{files[file]['log-file']}},{{files[file]['max-size']}},{{files[file]['action-on-max-size']}}
{{files[file]['selectors']}} :omfile:${{file}}
{% endfor %}
{% if console %}
## console logging
{% for con in console %}
{{console[con]['selectors']}} /dev/console
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% if hosts %}
## remote logging
{% for host in hosts %}
{%   if hosts[host]['proto'] == 'tcp' %}
{%     if hosts[host]['port'] %}
{%       if hosts[host]['oct_count'] %}
{{hosts[host]['selectors']}} @@(o){{host}}:{{hosts[host]['port']}};RSYSLOG_SyslogProtocol23Format
{%       else %}
{{hosts[host]['selectors']}} @@{{host}}:{{hosts[host]['port']}}
{%       endif %}
{%     else %}
{{hosts[host]['selectors']}} @@{{host}}
{%     endif %}
{%   else %}
{%     if hosts[host]['port'] %}
{%       if hosts[host]['oct_count'] %}
{{hosts[host]['selectors']}} @{{host}}:{{hosts[host]['port']}};RSYSLOG_SyslogProtocol23Format
{%       else %}
{{hosts[host]['selectors']}} @{{host}}:{{hosts[host]['port']}}
{%     else %}
{{hosts[host]['selectors']}} @{{host}}
{%     endif %}
{%   endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% if user %}
{% for u in user %}
{{user[u]['selectors']}} :omusrmsg:{{u}}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}

After I make a few syslog config changes via the CLI, I expect to get: *.* @x.x.x.x:514;RSYSLOG_SyslogProtocol23Format , but sadly I don't.

Viacheslav changed the subtype of this task from "Bug" to "Feature Request".


set system syslog host facility all level 'all'
set system syslog host facility all protocol 'udp'
set system syslog host format octet-counted
set system syslog host port '514'


*.* @;RSYSLOG_SyslogProtocol23Format
Viacheslav renamed this task from Rsyslog to use 'protocol23format' to Rsyslog to use 'protocol23format' for protocol UDP.Dec 21 2021, 7:55 PM
Viacheslav claimed this task.