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Containers are inaccessable on vyos-1.4-rolling-202304070317
Closed, ResolvedPublicBUG


I updated vyos to vyos-1.4-rolling-202304070317 successfully, however, all my containers became inaccessible. status shows they're up, however, can't ping them via assigned ip-address. so I had to reroll back to version 1.4-rolling-202303270317, and all containers worked flawlessly.


Difficulty level
Unknown (require assessment)
Why the issue appeared?
Will be filled on close
Is it a breaking change?
Unspecified (possibly destroys the router)
Issue type
Infrastructure issue or change

Event Timeline

HappyShr00m renamed this task from Containers are inaccessable on 1.4-rolling-202303270317 to Containers are inaccessable on vyos-1.4-rolling-202304070317.Apr 13 2023, 9:24 PM
HappyShr00m created this task.
HappyShr00m updated the task description. (Show Details)

Can you share container config section?

In T5157#146979, @sdev wrote:

Can you share container config section?

I have few containers, including NginxProxyManager, AdGuardHome, all are configured similarly, this code is for my adguard container.

memory 2000
network netcon {
restart always
volume conf {
    destination /opt/adguardhome/conf
    source /config/pods/adguard/conf
volume work {
    destination /opt/adguardhome/work
    source /config/pods/adguard/work

and in the firewall zone 'lan'

i have added:

interface cni-netcon

It uses other names in the newest versions, not cni-xxx

HappyShr00m claimed this task.

It uses other names in the newest versions, not cni-xxx

alright thanks for that clarification. for people who might get confused, now it changed from 'cni-networkName' to 'podman-networkName'

Just to clarify, it changes again to pod-networkname in (next rolling image) to avoid name constraint issues.

In T5157#147008, @sdev wrote:

Just to clarify, it changes again to pod-networkname in (next rolling image) to avoid name constraint issues.

Clear. much appreciated.